Monday 17 November 2008

The YB magic!

So far so good, rehearsals are going really well-we've already got a rough structure for the piece and ideas about what we want to show, to who and when.

Thanks to Olly's ever increasing ideas melting pot of matrix proportions-"T and Karla can you just run up that wall and do a backflip, pause in mid air then land on a spot the size of a grain of sand" (you get the idea anyway!) This actually gives you a rough idea of the sort of concept we're working on with the live dance, the filmed stuff is actually the complete opposite so hopefully an interesting contrast.

Next rehearsal hopefully the YB artistic policy and style will be more fully formed and ready to face the world!

Friday 14 November 2008

The Beginning of Yellow Bungalow

My name is Olivia Hickman, there are three members of Yellow Bungalow Dance Company...
Myself, Tara Kirkwood and Karla Henry.

The company was formed after we met doing a project called Dance Equation.

Rehearsals are going really well so far, the magic is alive and kicking so watch this space....